PHOTOSHOP BRUSHES:    Click here to discover a library of Photoshop Brushes.

NEW: The Faded Brush: Click Here to download the file. And click here to view a thumbnail of the brush.

NEW: The Speckle Brush: Click Here to download the file. And click here to view a thumbnail of the brush.

Helpful Tutorials:

Eyeball Design, Simply Dazzling!!!
Photoshop Tips by Carl Valk
Masks (based on PSP 5, but still an excellant tutorial)

Html, Java and Other Scripting

Dynamic Html
Infinate Fish, for roll over script generation.


Wacom Tablet. You can not live well without one, and why would you want to?
Deep Paint, by Right Hemisphere. There is nothing like Deep Paint with it's 3D engine....this is as close to the real thing as you far.
Photoshop by Adobe.
PhotoTools by Extensis
Web Razor by Ulead
Eye Candy by Alien Skin
Blade Pro by Flaming Pear

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